Cemex Croatia to Establish Solar Power Plants at Its Production Sites

Cemex Croatia is set to initiate the construction of solar power plants across three of its production facilities, a move co-financed by the EU's Modernisation Fund to bolster renewable energy production.

Cemex Croatia to Establish Solar Power Plants at Its Production Sites

Cemex Croatia has embarked on a groundbreaking venture to enhance renewable energy production by setting up solar power plants at three pivotal production sites. These projects have successfully secured contracts from the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund and will receive substantial backing from the European Union's Modernisation Fund.

The initiative will see the installation of solar power plants with a combined capacity of 6.34 MW across the Sv. Juraj cement plant in Kaštel Sućurac, the Sv. Kajo cement plant in Solin, and the Podsused production facility in Zagreb. The endeavor is valued at over €5 million, with around €3 million anticipated in co-financing from EU funds.

Significantly, the Sv. Juraj plant is to be equipped with photovoltaic systems boasting 3.79 MW of installed power at a cost of €3 million, while the Sv. Kajo plant will see systems with 2.14 MW of installed power, amounting to €1.7 million. These projects will benefit from 60% co-financing through the Modernisation Fund. Additionally, the Podsused facility will have systems with a capacity of 0.41 MW, with 50% of the project's value of approximately €318,000 covered by European funding.

Marijan Zekić, Cemex’s Croatia project and quality assurance manager, emphasized the significance of these installations, stating, "The energy savings these measures will provide will enhance our production efficiency and reduce emissions from our operations. This initiative reaffirms our commitment as a manufacturing company to take our responsibilities regarding energy and climate efficiency seriously. These projects are among several we plan to implement to achieve our climate objectives."


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