China Emerges as Largest Cement Supplier to Indonesia in 2023

Indonesia's cement imports surged to 5.80 million tons in 2023, predominantly sourced from China, marking the country as the leading cement supplier to Indonesia.

China Emerges as Largest Cement Supplier to Indonesia in 2023
Photo by Ling Tang / Unsplash

According to the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the country imported a total of 5.80 million tons of cement in 2023, experiencing a 14.9% increase compared to the 5.05 million tons imported in 2022. This considerable volume of imports underscores the growing demand within the Indonesian market for cement.

The total value of cement imports to Indonesia in 2023 reached an impressive USD 3.96 billion, equivalent to approximately IDR 61.78 trillion, assuming an exchange rate of IDR 15,574 per USD. Dominating this import market, China contributed a significant share, with a volume of 2.96 million tons or 51% of the total imports, solidifying its position as Indonesia's largest cement supplier. This trend has remained consistent since at least 2017, highlighting China's pivotal role in supporting Indonesia's construction sector.

Other notable countries that supplied cement to Indonesia in 2023 include South Korea with 695.2 thousand tons, the United Kingdom with 501.5 thousand tons, Japan with 420.4 thousand tons, the Netherlands with 333.2 thousand tons, France with 329.3 thousand tons, Croatia with 310.1 thousand tons, and Singapore with 225.6 thousand tons, among others.

This data not only reflects the international dynamics of the cement trade but also illustrates Indonesia's reliance on foreign suppliers to meet its construction industry's demands.

