Chinese Enterprise Invests in and Constructs Tanzania's Largest Cement Plant, Now Operational

The largest cement plant in Tanzania, invested in and built by Huaxin Cement Tanzania Company and constructed by China Railway Construction Corporation Group East Africa Limited, has officially commenced production.

Chinese Enterprise Invests in and Constructs Tanzania's Largest Cement Plant, Now Operational
Photo by Bruce Röttgers / Unsplash

China - On January 14, the Huaxin Cement Tanzania Company, invested in by Huaxin Cement and constructed by China Railway Construction Corporation Group East Africa Limited, officially began production of its second phase project. This marks the operational start of Tanzania's largest domestic cement enterprise, which is expected to end the country's history of cement imports.

The second phase of the Huaxin Cement Factory project, which began construction on August 31, 2022, includes the addition of a new 4,000-ton per day dry-process cement clinker production line and a 15-megawatt biomass power station. With the use of the most advanced technology and equipment, the project aims to alleviate the local market's cement supply shortage. It will become the largest local cement enterprise, providing over 1,000 job opportunities and promoting economic development and infrastructure improvement in Tanzania. In addition to meeting local market demand, the plant will export cement to neighboring countries, generating foreign exchange income for Tanzania and supporting the country's economic growth.

This development represents a significant milestone in Tanzania's industrial sector and showcases the collaboration between Chinese investment and local Tanzanian development.

Source: Sina Finance