Ciments du Maroc Set to Launch Low-Carbon Product Line EvoBuild

Ciments du Maroc announces the upcoming launch of EvoBuild, a new range of low-carbon construction products, aligning with its commitment to environmental sustainability and carbon emission reduction.

Ciments du Maroc Set to Launch Low-Carbon Product Line EvoBuild

In a move that underscores its dedication to sustainability and environmental responsibility, Ciments du Maroc is preparing to introduce EvoBuild, an innovative product line designed to minimize carbon emissions. This initiative is part of the company's broader strategy to maximize the use of alternative fuels and promote low-carbon construction materials, complementing its ongoing community outreach efforts.

The launch of EvoBuild, which includes low-carbon products, coincides with the announcement of the company's financial results for the 2024 fiscal year. Despite the challenges posed by the national economic climate, such as high inflation, significant hydrometric deficit, and a construction sector that has not seen the anticipated recovery, Ciments du Maroc has achieved commendable performance. The company witnessed a sales volume increase across all its business segments and maintained its clinker export levels from the Aït Baha factory.

Notably, the company managed to offset the inflationary pressures on its cost factors through a decrease in international fossil fuel prices. As a result, its operational revenue saw a 6.4% increase from the previous year, reaching 4.3 billion dirhams. The operating result improved by 7.6% to 1.42 billion dirhams, and the net result rose by 8.3%, amounting to 994 million dirhams. The gross operating surplus and the company's self-financing capacity also saw increases of 4.2% and 2.2%, respectively.

In addition to its business achievements, Ciments du Maroc actively contributed to the support of the victims of the earthquake that struck the Al Haouz region on September 8, 2023, through material and food delivery and a donation to the special fund for managing the earthquake's effects.


Aujourd'hui le Maroc