New Cement Factory to Open, Rivaling Dangote as Largest in East African Country

A new cement factory is set to commence operations in Ethiopia, posing a competition to Dangote Cement and others.

New Cement Factory to Open, Rivaling Dangote as Largest in East African Country
Photo by Annie Spratt / Unsplash

A new cement factory is set to commence operations in Ethiopia, posing a competition to Dangote Cement and others. The factory, known as Lemi National Cement PLC, is said to be the largest of its kind in the country and is expected to be officially opened in March 2024. The construction company, Sinoma International Engineering Company, has stated that the factory should be finished by March.

Upon completion, the plant is expected to increase the country's yearly ability to produce cement by eight million metric tonnes. The new company will compete with Dangote Cement, which is operational in the East African country and capable of producing high-quality 32.5- and 42.5-grade cement to meet market needs at competitive costs.

Abebaw Bekele, Lemi Cement's deputy manager, has mentioned that Ethiopia's construction industry would benefit from the plant's ability to reduce the country's chronic cement shortage. It is anticipated that approximately 20,000 Ethiopians will benefit from the new plant.
