Niassa: INAE Shuts Down Two Commercial Establishments for Cement Weight Adulteration

In Niassa, Mozambique, the National Inspection of Economic Activities (INAE) has ordered the closure of two commercial establishments in Lichinga for the adulteration of cement bag weights.

Niassa: INAE Shuts Down Two Commercial Establishments for Cement Weight Adulteration
Photo by Rohan Reddy / Unsplash

The National Inspection of Economic Activities (INAE) in Niassa, Mozambique, has taken decisive action against two commercial establishments in the city of Lichinga. These establishments were found to be involved in the adulteration of the weight of construction cement bags.

The INAE discovered that the bags of cement weighed between thirty-seven to forty kilograms, contrary to the fifty kilograms indicated on the label. This malpractice resulted in a loss of about one hundred thousand meticais to consumers. Zacarias Semente, the head of operations at INAE in Niassa, emphasized that such adulteration significantly harmed customers.

For more information, visit the original source at Rádio Moçambique.