Peruvian Cement Industry Continues Investments in 2024 Despite Construction Sector Downturn

In the face of a declining construction sector, Peru's leading cement companies are not halting their investments for 2024, focusing on operational improvements, production capacity, and sustainability.

Peruvian Cement Industry Continues Investments in 2024 Despite Construction Sector Downturn
Photo by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos / Unsplash

Peru: Despite a challenging year for the construction sector in Peru, major cement companies are not slowing down their investments for 2024. The sector witnessed a 9.3% fall from January to October, as reported by the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP), and the Peruvian Chamber of Construction (Capeco) projected a further decline of 7.1% in November.

In response to this downturn, key players in the cement industry are directing their investments towards enhancing plant operations, increasing production capacity, and prioritizing sustainability. This strategic focus comes amidst a 3.9% increase in cement prices between October 2023 and October 2022, although there was a 3.2% contraction compared to September 2023.

The commitment to continue investing despite the sector's challenges reflects the industry's resilience and long-term vision to adapt and thrive in a fluctuating economic environment.

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