Shijingshan District in Beijing Launches 40 Major Projects

In a major development push, Shijingshan District in Beijing, China, has recently commenced construction on 40 significant projects.

Shijingshan District in Beijing Launches 40 Major Projects
Photo by Ling Tang / Unsplash

In a major development push, Shijingshan District in Beijing, China, has recently commenced construction on 40 significant projects. This collective launch, which represents a total investment of 25.38 billion yuan, signals a robust start to the district's ambitious development plans for 2024. The projects span across various sectors including industrial transformation, urban renewal, infrastructure, and public services, aiming to bolster the district's high-quality development.

Among the projects is the construction of the last plot of the Beijing Banking and Insurance Industrial Park, a key industrial project expected to serve as a vital carrier for the integrated development of finance and technology in the area. Additionally, the district is undertaking the Yongding River Left Bank Yan Mountain Cement Factory Section Reinforcement Project with a total investment of 700 million yuan, aimed at enhancing flood control capabilities along the Yongding River's Shijingshan section.

These projects, covering industrial upgrades, city rejuvenation, infrastructure enhancement, and public service improvement, are set to significantly contribute to the district's economic growth, innovation capacity, and overall competitiveness. With a planned investment of 8.8 billion yuan for the year, these initiatives are poised to be a cornerstone for stable investment and economic expansion in Shijingshan District.

Xinhua Net Beijing