The Slow Decarbonization of Cement in the Industry

French cement plants, among the most significant industrial emitters of greenhouse gases, face the challenge of radical changes to meet their carbon footprint reduction promises by 2030 and 2050.

The Slow Decarbonization of Cement in the Industry
Photo by Chris Karidis / Unsplash

The cement industry in France, a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, is undergoing a slow process of decarbonization. French cement factories are among the top industrial emitters of greenhouse gases. To achieve their commitment to reducing their carbon footprint by 2030 and 2050, these plants must undertake significant changes.

Cement production in France accounts for 12.5% of the greenhouse gas emissions from all industrial sectors. The industry is dominated by five companies: LafargeHolcim, Calcia (Heidelberg group), Eqiom, Vicat, and Imerys. Out of the fifty most CO2-emitting industrial sites listed by the government, 21 are cement plants.

The decarbonization of the French cement and concrete industry is crucial for the country's overall industrial carbon reduction. This is a challenging task, given the inherent CO2 emissions during cement production, which involves high-temperature processing of limestone and clay.

For more information, visit the original source at Le Monde.