Cement Industry's Waste Monopolization is Clear Greenwashing

South Korea: The cement industry's extensive use of waste as fuel is criticized as greenwashing, with concerns about unfair advantages and environmental impacts.

Cement Industry's Waste Monopolization is Clear Greenwashing
Photo by shawnanggg / Unsplash

A recent report in South Korea has raised concerns about the cement industry's practice of using waste materials as fuel, criticizing it as a form of greenwashing. The industry has been increasingly using waste, such as vinyl and other materials, as a major fuel source in cement kilns, leading to a significant reduction in the volume of waste available for recycling and energy recovery by other industries.

This practice has sparked a fierce debate between the resource recycling industry and the cement industry. The cement industry's dominance in waste utilization is attributed to its competitive pricing and the cost-saving benefits of using waste as fuel. However, this has led to a shortage of waste materials for traditional recycling and energy recovery businesses, causing operational and financial challenges.

The report highlights that the cement industry's use of waste as fuel is not only an environmental concern but also creates an uneven playing field. The industry is accused of enjoying preferential treatment in terms of emission standards and installation of reduction facilities compared to the incineration industry. Despite both industries performing similar waste incineration processes, the cement industry is often recognized for recycling, while the incineration industry faces stricter regulations.

Environmental groups and industry experts are calling for more balanced policies and regulations to ensure fair competition and effective waste management. They argue that the government's support for the cement industry's waste utilization under the guise of carbon neutrality and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is misguided and detrimental to the overall goal of sustainable waste management and resource circulation.

For more information, visit the original source at E2 News.