Jidong Cement Announces Shareholder Count as of February 8, 2024

As of February 8, 2024, Jidong Cement reports a total of 91,828 shareholders, reflecting the company's latest shareholder structure.

Jidong Cement Announces Shareholder Count as of February 8, 2024
Photo by Nuno Alberto / Unsplash

Jidong Cement (000401.SZ), a prominent player in the cement industry, disclosed its shareholder count on an investor interaction platform, revealing that as of February 8, 2024, the company has a total of 91,828 shareholders. This announcement provides insight into the company's shareholder base, indicating its market position and investor interest.

Jidong Cement's transparency in sharing such data underscores its commitment to maintaining open communication with its investors and the broader market. This information is crucial for investors tracking the company's performance and market dynamics.

Source: JRJ.com.cn