Unacem Plans Photovoltaic Generation and Battery Implementation in Junín Plant

Unión Andina de Cementos (Unacem) is considering the installation of photovoltaic modules (solar) and renewable energy storage with batteries at its Condorcocha plant in Tarma, Junín.

Unacem Plans Photovoltaic Generation and Battery Implementation in Junín Plant

The aim of this initiative is to increase the use of renewable energy within the electricity consumption of the clinker, cement, and lime manufacturing plant. In a Technical Sustainability Report submitted to the Ministry of Production (Produce), Unacem explains that the Condorcocha plant currently operates with electricity supplied by Compañía Eléctrica El Platanal (Celepsa) from the National Interconnected Electrical System (SEIN). Additionally, the factory has self-generation through the Carpapata I, II, and III hydroelectric plants. However, Unacem acknowledges that production from these self-generation plants decreases during the dry season (June to November), leading to increased energy consumption from SEIN.

In response to this situation, Unacem's initiative aims to provide the Condorcocha plant with an additional source of renewable self-generation through photovoltaic modules, "slightly reducing its dependence on SEIN energy." The energy produced by the photovoltaic component is expected to generate 255 megawatt-hours (MWh) annually, approximately 0.8% of the plant's total consumption. The insights gained from operating this project and conducting tests will enable learning about these systems' performance in industrial environments and facilitate their scalability.

The project also includes the construction and operation of a Renewable Technologies and Energy Laboratory comprising photovoltaic systems, wind systems, and more. This development is significant for experts and researchers in the cement market as it showcases Unacem's commitment to sustainability and innovation in energy management within its operations.

Source: Gestión