China's Cement Industry to Implement Ultra-Low Emission Standards

In an exclusive interview for with Li Chen, deputy secretary-general of the Cement Association: What impact will ultra-low emissions have on the cement industry?

China's Cement Industry to Implement Ultra-Low Emission Standards
Photo by Gustavo Quepón / Unsplash

China's Ministry of Ecology and Environment, together with the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Transport, recently issued an opinion on promoting the implementation of ultra-low emission standards in the cement industry.

The opinion aims to improve the air pollution control level of the entire production process, promote the green and low-carbon transformation and upgrading of the industry, and promote the continuous improvement of air quality. The opinion sets targets for the cement industry to complete ultra-low emission transformation by 2028.According to Li Chen, Deputy Secretary-General of the China Cement Association, the cement industry has begun to actively respond to the requirements of ultra-low emission transformation, and some large enterprise groups have reserved relevant budgets in their annual technology transformation plans and formulated timetables and roadmaps.

In addition, some provinces, such as Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Shanxi, and Zhejiang, have taken the lead in carrying out ultra-low emission transformation of cement, which has accumulated good experience and laid a solid foundation for promoting it nationwide.The ultra-low emission transformation is an encouragement-oriented policy, and the pressure on the cement industry to complete the targets is enormous.

Li Chen pointed out that the pressure mainly comes from three aspects: the high requirements of ultra-low emission indicators, the relatively large investment in ultra-low emission transformation, and the survival pressure of enterprises that are not actively investing in environmental protection. However, the policy also provides support in terms of taxation, credit, financing, and other aspects for enterprises that implement ultra-low emission transformation.The implementation of ultra-low emission standards in the cement industry is expected to bring significant environmental, social, and economic benefits.

The opinion sets targets for the cement industry to complete ultra-low emission transformation by 2028, which is estimated to require tens of billions of yuan in investment.
