Fives collaborates with Holcim on hydrogen trials at La Malle

The collaboration between Fives and Holcim is expected to bring about innovative solutions that will contribute to reducing carbon emissions in the cement sector.

Fives collaborates with Holcim on hydrogen trials at La Malle

Fives, a leader in industrial engineering, has partnered with Holcim to enhance hydrogen combustion and increase the use of biogenic fuels in its rotary kiln at La Malle. This collaboration involved Fives providing an injection lance and gas portico, enabling a substitution rate of over 50% with hydrogen. Fabien Illy, Executive Director of Fives Pillard, elaborated on the project.

Holcim's challenge was to optimize hydrogen combustion and integrate more biogenic fuels into its processes. The collaboration with Fives at La Malle in France marks a significant step towards achieving these goals. By leveraging innovative solutions, the companies aim to drive sustainability and reduce carbon emissions in cement production.

This initiative underscores the industry's commitment to sustainability and aligns with Holcim's focus on decarbonizing its operations through advanced technologies like hydrogen utilization. The successful trials at La Malle demonstrate the potential for significant advancements in reducing the environmental impact of cement manufacturing.

For experts and researchers in the cement market, this collaboration offers valuable insights into cutting-edge technologies for decarbonization. The results of these hydrogen trials could have far-reaching implications for the industry's transition towards more sustainable practices.

Source: Le Moniteur - Fives collaborates with Holcim on hydrogen trials at La Malle